You are invited to participate in the 34th Annual Midwest Aviation Maintenance Industry Expo!

Tuesday January 28th & Wednesday January 29th 2025


Exhibit setup time will start at 4:30 PM Monday January 27th
Exhibit hall will be opened at 8:00 AM Tuesday January 28th
Exhibits are requested to remain until 12:30 PM Wednesday January 29th

Registration Fees

$325 Includes:
Morning and afternoon snack break
Tuesday & Wednesday lunch for (2) two representatives
Attendance to training sessions and evening social activity Table and cover cloth
Electrical access, if necessary

Additional $45 for each additional representative.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Become a sponsor to support the event!
Continental Breakfasts (1) $500
Morning Breaks (2) $400
Lunches (2) $1000
Afternoon Break (1) $300
Evening Social Event $1500
Sponsors will receive special recognition for their contributions
Held at the Holiday Inn at the airport in
Des Moines, Iowa.

Agenda consists of IA Renewal Training sessions with regularly scheduled breaks and Tuesday night social event in the exhibit hall.

Register Here!

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Please click here to download a registration application and send a check by mail.

For further information please contact Phil Conn at 319-389-3943 or

Looking for a place to stay?

Check out our rates at the hotel of the event!